How to tell stories that activate your Brand Purpose and communicate your brand promise?
“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood or assign them tasks. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea”
This simple quote by a wise man helps you understand the power of storytelling in branding.
In today’s ‘artificially intelligent’ digitally driven world capturing the attention and loyalty of consumers has become increasingly challenging. As brand builders, we realise that the power of human emotion is becoming the new premium & #brand storytelling is no longer an indulgence but a must-have to maximise business potential.
So having crafted a powerful brand purpose comes the critical first step of aligning with the larger internal team. Activating brand purpose is impossible without storytelling and a strong narrative. You will create stories that show your employees how purpose can guide their actions, making it easy to act upon. You will learn how to create powerful stories that make your purpose come alive.
Then comes the next step of communicating your brand promise consistently, and coherently across all external touch points including on social media. Look around at the social media posts of many brands and you will realise that most of this communication packaged the promise that their every post, picture or interaction is part of a well-thought-through story, but most of what we call “stories” are loosely related moments strung together by the happenstance of time and technology. So what is the real challenge?
Theoretically, everyone knows that storytelling is at the heart of all great marketing, but instead of the character, marketers start telling the story of their brand. When building your brand it is important to deliberate on what makes your brand human.
The StN storytelling modules help you identify those human moments that are particularly memorable for your brand and share those stories on social media. Experiences that are shocking, heart-warming, relatable, or unusual help people not only remember your story but also prompt them to share it with other people.
Why? Because people don’t make decisions based on data alone.
How to tell a compelling brand story in a structured step-by-step process?
For us, good storytelling starts with a structure. And we help you craft your compelling brand story through a structured, scientific process.
Make storytelling an integral part of your brand narrative.
Want to know how..
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Port Yasmeenland, PY 20061
Mon – Sat: 8AM – 6PM
Sun: 11AM – 3PM
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